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Our Big Day

We finally got married on 3rd October 1998, at Cambridge Registry Office, accompanied only by immediate family and closest friends, the style was 'Informal - extreme':

The ceremony itself was pleasant but unexciting, here the happy couple sign their freedom away. It should be noted that Mike can commonly been seen at work wearing his 'wedding dress'....

Our old friends Tess(right) and Wooky (in caving gear) showed up. Behind are Chris (left) and Shelly - a friend and colleague of Diana from work - on her right.

As did Graham(left) and Mike

Having done the deed, and looking unaccountably pleased about it...


...we gathered for a semi-traditonal group; for some reason I look outrageously happy... it hasn't worn off yet! :))) After that.....

...we all repaired to an Italian restaurant for lunch; Diana's father and brother

Our old friends Chris and Jon (centre)

Tess and Mike

Mikes mum and dad

Back home after lunch, things got a bit out of hand, with our nephew Thomas. Our old friend and tenant Sue showed up for our big day (right) (G'day)