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Photo Diary - week ending November 19th 2006
(NOTE - click on any image to see the high-resolution version)
Only one big deal this week - SANDY turned TWO!
His second birthday was officially on the 16th, but since it was 1. the
au pairs holiday week (she went to
California and Las Vegas) and. an utterly godawful week of non-stop rain,
we gave one big present early - the
new Thomas train set :-)
*of course* Iain loved the train set too:
The brothers condescended to pose for a couple of pictures...
...whilst daddy built the train set:
Birthday finally arrived... he loved his fire engine:
and his drum (there goes our quiet life!):
Mummy loved the drum too:
In fact we all had a great time helping Sandy with his presents!
Happy 2nd Birthday Sandy!
Rain finally over, we took the car to the carwash - something Sandy loves!
Come the weekend we had a huge and wonderful party for Sandy - no time
for photography but some video was shot
and vidcaps will appear here shortly.