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Photo Diary - week ending October 15th 2006
(NOTE - click on any image to see the high-resolution version)
Although there are still some warm days - 70+ - there's a disctinctly Autumnal
feel to the weather; the
wheel of the year is turning. Going out for an outdoor playdate today,
Iain was in sweater & scarf::
Wednesday saw me heading into the city... nice view of an Acela passing
our MU as we left Mamaroneck
(that's the Mamaroneck sidings coming off to the right)
Thursday morning saw me doing a spot of train-watching with Iain - another
location, right where the above photo was
taken actually:
Saturday was International Day at Iain's school, Hudson Montessori:
Iain had much fun on the 'pirate ship':
Sandy had much fun climbing rocks:
Whilst daddy contributed cranachan, a Scottish dessert, to the feeding, Iain painted a pumpkin:
And in the spirit of International Day, daddy wore his kilt!