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Corestore Collection - IBM Systems

I've been collecting interesting IBM systems for a few years now; my DEC collection being largely complete, and my curiosity aroused. In fact, this site was for three years hosted on one of my AS/400 systems, and more recently was served by IBM HTTP Server running under OS/390 on my IBM IS 3006 mainframe. The IBM connection continues, as it is currently (7/2003) running under OS/2 Warp Server for e-business.

I'd really like to get hold of more early IBM systems, of the same timeframe as my DEC equipment - mid '60s to mid '70s. This would essentially mean System/360, System/370, System/7, and System/3 equipment. Unfortunately these are pretty thin on the ground - given the views espoused by most hackers towards commercial batch-oriented 'dinosaurs' not many have been saved from the crusher. Other factors in their scarcity include their high gold content; the fact that they were usually 'corporate flagship' systems, which were frequently updated; and not least, that they were frequently owned by IBM and leased to customers - IBM would usually destroy machines that came back off-lease, to discourage an independent market for used equipment.

With a few exceptions, I've had to content myself with collecting documentation, and front panels. I'll be putting some of this material up here soon - it includes several early 360 field service handbooks, which I will scan as a resource for any who may need them.

Click on the links below to see details and images:

System/360 - various System/360 artifacts and information
System/370 - various System/370 artifacts and information, including my complete 9375 - one of the last rackmount System/370 machines!
System/390 - System/390 stuff, including details on the S/390 Integrated Server that sometimes serves these pages
IBM 1800 - predecessor of the System/7 and Series/1 machines, this is my oldest computer - a close relative of the System/360
System/3 - some System/3 bits, the ultimate ancestor of the AS/400
System/32 - The first System/32, a basket case.
System/32 (2) - The second System/32, a very nice system. And a page about its restoration - a work in progress!
System/34 - NEW! Recent arrival at corestore :-)
System/36 - NEW! Recent arrival at corestore :-), the last in the System/3X line (the System/38 came first..!), continues to some extent as an emulated mode on AS/400. Two are the small 5363 units, but this page is about my 5360 - the big one!
System/38 - a truly fascinating machine, very advanced for its day (early 1980s), direct ancestor of the AS/400 (which was nearly called the System/40!)

Don't forget, click on any image to get the high-res version.

Wish List:

Things I Don't Have but Am Very Much Looking For:

email if you have any clues, leads, hints... or even machines available! - I will pay serious money for a System/360, System/370, or System/3

(with some pictures in case you're not sure what they look like)

Any System/360


Any System/370


Any System/3


Anything that could be called a 'deskside mainframe' - XT/360, XT/370, AT/370, Microchannel 370, even the more recent PC Server/390 type machines.

Any really ancient IBM peripherals...

That's all for now... more to follow, as always!