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The Corestore - home of ancient
NEW starting September 06 - the Corestore Photo Diary - click here!
(The photo diary didn't last long, and has long been superceded by my Facebook profile - click HERE
if you want to visit it.)
Latest 7/7/07... preliminary firefighting stuff is HERE
Live National Incident Ticker
Click headline for top content from Firehouse.Com The Web's Community & Resource
for Fire, Rescue, EMS & Safety
Sunday 14th May 2006 - yesterday, the Corestore exhibited at the Vintage
Computer Festival - report here
Tuesday 9th May 2006 - apologies if you're trying to access this site and
finding it slow; the Corestore has been featured in this article in iSeries Network magazine, and bandwidth is somewhat saturated!
Diana, Iain, Sandy, Cally, & Mike welcome you to their homepages.
If you are an Au Pair applicant, you will find some pictures of the family and house HERE.
July 21st 2005 - A sad farewell to Ewelina, who has been our amazing au pair for 8 months,
but has now returned to Poland - we miss you, old friend... Life is all about changes however, and we give a warm welcome to our wonderful
new au pair, Gunita, all
the way from Latvia!
Gunita is also the hardest-working (and best!) au pair in the world!
Well, Time moves on and Gunita has left us... our current au pair is the
exceptionally wonderful Angie, from Austria.
Click here for pics from our 2005 summer vacation in Scotland
Click here for pics from our 2005 winter vacation in the US Virgin Islands
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